Most Dangerous Inventions EVER Used By The Military
Abstract: This article delves into some of the most dangerous inventions ever used by the military. These innovations, although initially designed for military purposes, have had far-reaching consequences and have reshaped the landscape of warfare. From non-lethal weapons that induce nausea to stealthy tanks and futuristic bombers, we explore these inventions from a critical perspective, considering their impact on both military strategy and civilian life.
1. Vomit Gun: Unleashing Nausea through Radio Frequency
The Vomit Gun, inspired by the movie Minority Report, is a non-lethal weapon that targets an individual’s hearing and equilibrium using radio frequency. Exposure to this weapon induces extreme nausea and vomiting in the affected person, rendering them incapacitated [1]. While designed as a non-lethal option for subduing individuals, its psychological impact is profound, questioning the ethics of such weaponry.
2. Thunder Generator: Shock Waves as Psychological Weapons
Resembling a cannon, the Thunder Generator releases shock waves that create an intense feeling of being in front of a firing squad. Despite claims of harmlessness, it was initially used by Israeli farmers to scare away crop-eating birds. The psychological impact of this invention raises ethical concerns regarding its use in crowd control and border protection scenarios [1].
3. Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition (Mayhem): Liquid Metal Lethality
Developed by DARPA, Mayhem employs molten metal to penetrate enemy armor. Electromagnetic waves generated by explosions propel the molten metal, causing the target vehicle to explode from within. Mayhem is hailed as a precise and effective alternative to traditional explosively produced penetrators, revolutionizing anti-armor warfare [1].
4. Hybrid Insect Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (High MEMS): Insect Espionage
DARPA’s High MEMS project aims to create cyborg insects for surveillance purposes. Micro mechanical devices are embedded into insects during metamorphosis, enabling remote control via electrical impulses to their muscles. The primary objective is surveillance, envisioning scenarios where insects are deployed as spies, raising ethical concerns about privacy and autonomy [3].
5. ADS Underwater Gun: Subaquatic Combat Innovation
Developed in Russia, the ADS (Special Dual Medium Automatic Rifle) is designed specifically for combat divers. This underwater gun fires specialized rounds and is suitable for underwater combat scenarios. The ADS exemplifies military innovation tailored for unique operational environments [4].
6. Obrim PL01 Stealth Tank: A Vision of Modern Armor
The Obrim PL01 is a concept light tank designed for the Polish market, with collaboration from BAE Systems. Featuring an unmanned turret at the rear for the commander and gunner, the driver is situated at the front. This tank presents a futuristic vision of armored warfare, introducing innovative concepts to traditional tank design [1].
7. Zumwalt Class Destroyer: The Future of Naval Warfare
The Zumwalt-class destroyers in the U.S. Navy are multi-mission stealth ships primarily focused on land attacks. They play a crucial role in naval gunfire support, surface warfare, and anti-aircraft warfare. These advanced ships have undergone changes in their role, reflecting the evolving nature of naval warfare and the adaptation of military technology [4].
8. Extra Stealthy Bomber: The Next Generation of Air Power
While still in the conceptual stage, the Extra Stealthy Bomber represents the future of long-range strike capability. With its focus on total stealth, rapid speed, and significant bomb cargo capacity, it aims to replace the aging B-52 fleet and bolster the limited B2 stealth bomber fleet. This bomber’s potential impact on modern warfare and geopolitics cannot be underestimated [1].
In conclusion, these dangerous military inventions have pushed the boundaries of technology and ethics. They raise critical questions about the evolving nature of warfare, the moral implications of non-lethal weaponry, and the impact of technology on the future of military strategy. As history has shown, the unintended consequences of military innovation can reshape not only warfare but also the world as a whole.