“Lavender Reveals Israel’s Weakness in Human Intelligence” — A Conversation with an Intelligence Expert

Ali Gündoğar
3 min readAug 10, 2024


This article explores the concerning implications of Israel’s use of an AI-powered program called Lavender to identify targets in Gaza, as revealed in a recent YouTube interview with an unnamed intelligence expert. The discussion highlights the ethical complexities and potentially devastating consequences of employing AI in warfare, especially when coupled with weak human intelligence gathering capabilities.

The Power and Peril of AI

The interview begins by acknowledging the transformative potential of AI. The expert highlights its ability to revolutionize numerous fields, from economics and logistics to communications and media. He underscores that the power of AI lies in its ability to mimic human behavior, learn from data, and adapt, continually improving its performance.

However, the expert also warns that AI is merely a tool shaped by the intentions of its developers. In the wrong hands, its power can be misused with devastating consequences. This is particularly alarming in the realms of intelligence gathering and warfare, where flawed data and algorithms can lead to massive civilian casualties.

Lavender: The Algorithm of Death

The discussion then centers on Lavender, an AI program reportedly employed by Israel to select targets in Gaza. The expert explains that Israel created a vast “target bank” by compiling detailed profiles of nearly two million Palestinians living in the densely populated Gaza Strip. These profiles are understood to have been created using data gathered from multiple sources, including social media monitoring, cell phone metadata, and a network of informants.

The AI algorithm then analyzes this data to assign a “threat score” to each individual, identifying those deemed most likely to be affiliated with Hamas. This information is reportedly used to justify drone strikes, even when targets are situated within heavily populated civilian areas like refugee camps.

The Weakness of Human Intelligence

The expert argues that the reliance on Lavender illustrates Israel’s “inadequacy in human intelligence,” pointing out the crucial need for reliable human intelligence sources to identify true threats. Instead, Israel’s reliance on an AI-based program driven by flawed and incomplete data, risks exacerbating the already devastating conflict in Gaza, inevitably causing the deaths of numerous innocent civilians.

Ethical and Legal Challenges of AI in Warfare

The expert warns of the ethical and legal implications of employing AI for military purposes, pointing out the alarming potential for algorithms to designate innocent civilians, including children, as targets. He asserts that international organizations like NATO need to address these challenges and establish firm guidelines for the use of AI in warfare.

The discussion highlights the need for greater international oversight over AI technologies to limit the risks of misuse, as countries involved in global power rivalries are unwilling to give up their technological advantage. This is further complicated by the lack of existing international regulations or agreements for the deployment of AI in military contexts.


The use of Lavender in Gaza serves as a chilling reminder of AI’s potential for both good and evil. As this powerful technology advances, the need for responsible development and international guidelines regarding its use in warfare is ever more critical. Failure to address these pressing challenges, risks unleashing an era of automated warfare devoid of human judgement, inevitably leading to devastating humanitarian catastrophes and fueling an accelerating global arms race.



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