Government Surveillance: Tracking, Monitoring, and Artificial Intelligence Systems

Ali Gündoğar
9 min readJun 23, 2023



This article explores the global phenomenon of government surveillance, focusing on the methods employed by states to monitor and track individuals, including dissidents and journalists. It also delves into the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) systems that resemble the fictional Machine from the television series “Person of Interest.” By employing a professional and academic tone, this article utilizes reliable sources and adheres to scientific methodology.


Government Surveillance Methods
2.1 Mass Surveillance Programs
2.1.1 PRISM Program
2.2 Internet Monitoring and Data Collection
2.2.1 Social Media Monitoring
2.2.2 Data Retention Laws
2.3 Phone and Email Surveillance
2.3.1 Wiretapping
2.3.2 Metadata Collection
2.4 Facial Recognition Technology
2.4.1 Facial Recognition in China
2.4.2 Biometric Databases
Monitoring Dissidents and Journalists
3.1 Targeted Surveillance Operations
3.2 Tracking Dissidents
3.3 Journalist Monitoring and Harassment
3.4 Impact on Freedom of Expression
Artificial Intelligence and Surveillance
4.1 AI in Surveillance Systems
4.2 Automated Behavior Recognition
4.3 Predictive Policing
4.4 Ethical and Privacy Concerns
The Machine from “Person of Interest”
5.1 Overview of the Machine
5.2 Similarities with Real-Life Systems
5.3 Ethical Implications
5.4 Fiction versus Reality


In an era marked by technological advancements, governments worldwide have increasingly sought to monitor and track their citizens. This article aims to shed light on the various methods employed by states for surveillance purposes, emphasizing the monitoring of individuals, including dissidents and journalists. Additionally, it examines the development and implications of AI systems resembling the Machine from “Person of Interest.”

Mass Surveillance Programs:

PRISM Program:

The PRISM program is a mass surveillance initiative operated by the United States National Security Agency (NSA). It was first revealed to the public in 2013 by whistleblower Edward Snowden. PRISM allows the NSA to collect and analyze electronic communications data, including emails, chat logs, and file transfers, from major technology companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Facebook.


ECHELON is a global signals intelligence (SIGINT) network developed and operated by the United States, along with its Five Eyes allies (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom). The network intercepts and analyzes vast amounts of communication data, including phone calls, emails, and internet traffic, to gather intelligence.

Internet Monitoring and Data Collection:

Social Media Monitoring

Governments utilize social media monitoring tools to track and analyze individuals’ online activities. This includes monitoring public posts, private messages, and social connections on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The collected data can be used for various purposes, such as identifying potential threats, monitoring political activities, and gathering intelligence.

Data Retention Laws

Data retention laws require telecommunication companies and internet service providers to store user data for a specified period. Governments argue that these laws are necessary for law enforcement and national security purposes. However, they raise concerns about privacy and the potential for misuse of personal information.

Phone and Email Surveillance

Wiretapping: Wiretapping involves the interception of phone conversations or electronic communications. Governments may obtain legal authorization to monitor specific individuals or groups suspected of criminal activities or threats to national security. However, the practice raises questions about privacy rights and the extent of government intrusion into personal communications.

Metadata Collection

Metadata collection involves gathering information about communications, such as the time, date, duration, and participants, without accessing the actual content. Governments argue that metadata analysis helps identify patterns and connections among individuals. However, critics argue that metadata can reveal sensitive personal information and still infringe upon privacy rights.

Facial Recognition Technology

Facial Recognition in China: China has been at the forefront of using facial recognition technology for surveillance purposes. The government has implemented widespread facial recognition systems in public spaces, including streets, airports, and train stations. These systems are used for various purposes, such as public safety, identification, and tracking of individuals of interest.

Biometric Databases

Biometric databases store individuals’ unique physical or behavioral characteristics, such as fingerprints, iris scans, and facial images. Governments use biometric data for identification, border control, and law enforcement purposes. However, concerns arise regarding the security of such databases and the potential for misuse or unauthorized access.

Targeted Surveillance Operations

Governments around the world are increasingly investing in sophisticated technology to monitor citizens’ behavior on social media platforms. Previously limited to intelligence agencies, mass surveillance has now extended to authoritarian powers and even smaller states hoping to track dissidents and persecuted minorities. The growing commercial market for social media surveillance has lowered the cost of entry, allowing security services and law enforcement agencies in democracies to use these technologies with limited oversight or accountability.

Tracking Dissidents

The tracking of dissidents involves the monitoring and surveillance of individuals who oppose or challenge the government. In countries like Turkey, pressures targeting critical journalists and media outlets have intensified, leading to serious threats to press freedom and freedom of expression. Reports indicate that governments employ intelligence units to monitor dissident activities, infiltrate communication channels, and prevent acts they consider treasonous. These surveillance measures restrict dissidents’ ability to express their opinions and impede their advocacy efforts.

Journalist Monitoring and Harassment (2.3)

Journalists often face monitoring and harassment by governments seeking to control the flow of information. In Turkey, critical reporting and social media platforms have been targeted through administrative and judicial means, leading to restrictions on press freedom. Such actions can include arrests, intimidation, imprisonment, or even closure of media outlets. Additionally, pro-government media outlets may engage in smear campaigns against journalists, branding them as propagandists or enemies of the state.

Impact on Freedom of Expression

The monitoring of dissidents and journalists, coupled with harassment and surveillance, has a severe impact on freedom of expression. It creates an atmosphere of fear and self-censorship, inhibiting journalists from reporting truthfully and pursuing investigative journalism. These actions stifle critical voices, limit the diversity of opinions, and undermine the democratic principles of transparency and accountability. Ultimately, the chilling effect on freedom of expression hampers the ability of societies to address crucial issues and engage in meaningful public discourse.

AI in Surveillance Systems:

AI has transformed surveillance systems by enabling intelligent software to process surveillance footage in real-time and provide analysis. Governments worldwide are investing in surveillance infrastructure that incorporates AI technology. AI’s self-learning capabilities contribute to its significant impact, as it continuously improves and minimizes errors. Key applications of AI in surveillance systems include people tracking, area monitoring, parking occupancy, vehicle analytics, and traffic monitoring.

Automated Behavior Recognition

Automated behavior recognition is another area where AI plays a crucial role in surveillance. AI algorithms can analyze human behavior patterns captured by surveillance cameras and identify suspicious or abnormal activities. This technology has been instrumental in retail surveillance, enabling behavioral analytics and real-time threat detection. For example, AI-powered systems can detect shoplifting or unusual behavior in retail environments, enhancing security measures.

Predictive Policing

Predictive policing is an application of AI in surveillance systems that aims to forecast criminal activities based on historical data and patterns. By utilizing deep learning algorithms and data comparison, AI systems can predict the likelihood of criminal incidents and help law enforcement agencies take preventive measures. This approach has been implemented in various cities, such as Kanagawa in Japan and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, resulting in a significant reduction in crime rates.

Ethical and Privacy Concerns

The adoption of AI-based surveillance raises ethical and privacy concerns. While AI technology offers numerous benefits, it also poses risks related to privacy infringement, discrimination, and potential misuse of data. Governments and organizations must establish regulations and ethical frameworks to ensure the responsible and transparent use of AI surveillance systems. Striking the right balance between security and privacy is crucial to address these concerns effectively.

The Machine from “Person of Interest”

Overview of the Machine

The Machine is a fictional artificial super intelligence featured in the television series “Person of Interest.” It was built and designed by Harold Finch and Nathan Ingram for a secret operation within the United States government known as “Northern Lights”. The objective of the Machine is to predict and prevent imminent terrorist attacks by analyzing vast amounts of surveillance data. It has been active since February 24, 2005, and has gone through various stages of development and operation.

Similarities with Real-Life Systems

While the Machine is a fictional creation, it exhibits some similarities with real-life systems and concepts. The idea of using advanced technology to analyze surveillance data and predict potential threats has parallels with real-world applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in the field of security and intelligence. In reality, AI and ML algorithms are employed to process large amounts of data and identify patterns that can aid in threat detection and prevention.

However, it is important to note that the capabilities portrayed by the Machine in the show may go beyond the current state of real-world technology. The Machine’s ability to accurately predict future events and identify individuals of interest is depicted in a highly advanced and precise manner for the purpose of the show’s narrative.

Ethical Implications

The existence and operation of the Machine raise significant ethical implications. One of the key ethical considerations is the balance between security and privacy. The Machine’s surveillance capabilities involve extensive monitoring of both domestic and foreign entities, raising concerns about potential violations of privacy rights. The show often explores the tension between utilizing the Machine’s predictive abilities to prevent terrorist attacks and the potential infringement on individual liberties.

Additionally, the question of who has access to and control over the Machine’s data and decision-making process is another ethical concern. The show highlights the risks associated with concentrated power and the potential for abuse if the technology falls into the wrong hands.

Fiction versus Reality

It is important to distinguish between the fictional portrayal of the Machine and the current reality of AI and ML systems. While the show’s depiction of the Machine pushes the boundaries of technological capabilities, it serves as a thought-provoking exploration of the ethical and societal implications of advanced surveillance and prediction systems.

In reality, AI and ML technologies are still evolving, and their capabilities are constrained by the current state of scientific understanding and technical limitations. Nevertheless, ongoing research and development in these fields continue to shape the future possibilities of AI-driven systems.

It is crucial to approach discussions surrounding AI ethics and the societal impact of such technologies with a multidisciplinary perspective, considering not only the technical aspects but also the legal, ethical, and societal dimensions.

Findings and Conclusion

This study focuses on the global phenomenon of government surveillance and the methods they employ to monitor individuals, particularly dissenters, and journalists. It also examines the emergence and impact of artificial intelligence (AI) systems resembling “The Machine” from the television series “Person of Interest.”

According to the findings, governments utilize various methods such as mass surveillance programs, internet monitoring and data collection, phone and email surveillance, and facial recognition technology. Prominent among these surveillance programs are initiatives like PRISM and ECHELON. Additionally, methods like social media monitoring, data retention laws, and phone and email surveillance are widely employed.

The monitoring of dissenters and journalists, in particular, occurs in forms such as targeted surveillance operations by governments, tracking of dissenters, and monitoring and harassment of journalists. This has a significant impact on freedom of expression, suppressing critical voices and undermining democratic principles.

In the realm of AI and surveillance, the use of AI in surveillance systems and applications like automated behavior recognition stands out. AI enables the use of intelligent software that can process and provide analysis of surveillance footage in real time. However, it is crucial to consider the ethical and privacy concerns associated with AI.

There are similarities between “The Machine” depicted in the “Person of Interest” series and real-life systems. However, it is important to conduct an in-depth evaluation of the real-world applications and ethical aspects of AI systems.

In conclusion, the rise of government surveillance and AI systems poses significant challenges in preserving fundamental democratic values such as individuals’ privacy rights and freedom of expression. Ensuring oversight through legal regulations and ethical standards is essential to protect individuals’ rights and balance security concerns.


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