Cyber Security Intelligence in Turkey

Ali Gündoğar
3 min readJun 20, 2023


Cybersecurity has become one of the most important agenda items for both individuals and states in Turkey. While cyberspace provides many benefits that facilitate our lives, it also brings along numerous threats. Terms such as cyber attacks, cyber espionage, and cyber terrorism are now frequently heard and encountered phenomena. Therefore, cyber security intelligence is of vital importance in detecting, analyzing, and preventing cyber threats.

This article investigates how cyber security intelligence is conducted in Turkey, which institutions are involved in this field, and what legal and institutional infrastructure exists. To find answers to these questions, the Council of Ministers’ Decision on the Execution, Management, and Coordination of National Cyber Security Studies published in 2012, which is the fundamental document of Turkey’s cyber security policies, was examined. With this decision, the Cyber Security Council was established to determine, plan, and coordinate Turkey’s cyber security policies. The Cyber Security Council consists of representatives from 11 ministries and public institutions, chaired by the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure.

Under the Cyber Security Council, various working groups and temporary committees are present. The most important of these is the National Cyber Incident Response Center (USOM). USOM operates within the Information Technologies and Communication Authority (BTK). USOM’s tasks include monitoring, analyzing, intervening in, and reporting cyber incidents, as well as providing cyber security services to public institutions and critical infrastructures.

Another actor in cyber security intelligence in Turkey is the National Intelligence Organization (MIT). Among MIT’s tasks are “preventing or neutralizing any activity that threatens national security” and “collecting information on matters concerning national security.” It is known that MIT operates in cyberspace and has cyber intelligence capabilities within this context.

Some of the efforts made to develop cyber security intelligence in Turkey include:

- Roadmap for the Protection of Critical Infrastructures 2014–2023
- National Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan 2016–2019
- National Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan 2019–2023
- National Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2020–2023

Academic studies are also important resources for those working in or interested in cyber security intelligence in Turkey. There are many articles, theses, books, and reports available in this field. Some of the authors and their articles that we have benefited from in our article are as follows:

- Polat Safi: An academic analyzing Turkey’s cyber security policies within the framework of international relations theories. He has articles titled “NATO’s New Theater of Operations: Cyberspace” and “Analysis of Turkey’s Cyber Security Policies in the Framework of International Relations Theories.”
- Ali Burak Daricili: An academic comparing the cyber security strategies of other countries worldwide and providing recommendations for Turkey. He has articles titled “Analysis of Turkey’s Cyber Security Policies; Potential Cyber Security Strategy for Turkey” and “Analysis of Instruments Constituting the Cyber Security Capacity of the Russian Federation.”
- Serhat Bıçakçı: An academic evaluating Turkey’s cyber security infrastructure and institutional structure. He has articles titled “Cyber Security in Turkey” and “Cyber Security in Turkey: Legal and Institutional Infrastructure.”

In this article, we have provided a brief overview of cyber security intelligence in Turkey. For more information, you can conduct a web search or explore the works of the authors mentioned. If you want to improve yourself in the field of cyber security, you can also apply to institutions that provide education in this area. Remember, cyber security is everyone’s responsibility!



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